Explore our collection of news articles, press releases, and other media coverage.
Read CEO Rosemarie Day and Deb Gordon’s op-ed, published on The Health Care Blog, about what mothers really need this Mother’s Day.
“Mothers deserve more than a day of recognition this year—they deserve the whole month, and more.”
“The nation needs steady, competent, and compassionate female leadership now more than ever”. Read CEO Rosemarie Day and Deb Gordon’s op-ed, published on The Health Care Blog: a call to action for everyone, of every race and gender, to support VP Kamala Harris.
Day Health Strategies’ Rosemarie Day was quoted in a recent MEDPAGE TODAY article about the new president’s call for unity to “make healthcare secure for all”.
Day Health Strategies’ post-election webinar was cited frequently in a recent MEDPAGE TODAY article about the ACA legal challenge.
Rosemarie Day and Niko Lehman-White examine the ways the Short-Term Limited Duration Insurance can catch consumers unaware during the COVID crisis.
Please click HERE to read Rosemarie Day and Deborah Gordon's piece, Overturning the ACA will make COVID-19 much worse.
Please click HERE to read Rosemarie Day and Debroah Gordon's piece, Overturning the ACA will make COVID-19 much worse.
The coronavirus pandemic overtook the end of the Democratic primary season and amplified the focus on the remaining candidates’ healthcare platforms. Throughout the primaries, the public option platform has faced criticism that it will simply maintain the status quo. This criticism inspired Rosemarie Day to write this piece, because a large-scale public option program could actually help to reshape the US healthcare system and result in improvements in access to care in this country, ultimately getting us to universal healthcare.
Click here for a link to our CEO Rosemarie Day’s interview on Gist Healthcare Daily, a health policy and business news podcast to help you get caught up on the latest headlines in less than 10 minutes.
Learn more about our CEO Rosemarie Day’s thoughts on why we need to unite around universal healthcare in her new blog post published by Beacon Broadside (Beacon Press).
MedPage Today interviewed our CEO Rosemarie Day to discuss the successes and challenges of the Affordable Care Act in honor of the law’s 10th anniversary.
Rosemarie and other health policy experts (including Larry Levitt, Executive Vice President for Health Policy at the Kaiser Family Foundation and Dr. Jay Wolfson, Senior Associate Dean of Morsani College of Medicine and Associate Vice President of University of South Florida Health) evaluated and graded each candidate’s proposal to reform the healthcare system to help inform voters.
Our very own Rosemarie Day appeared on WBUR’s Radio Boston this week about Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker’s new health care bill.
Read Thrive’s interview with Rosemarie Day on the future of healthcare and why we must focus more on holistic health, reinvest our resources to more prevention and primary care, and incentivize people to work on the front lines and become generalists, rather than specialists.
Read Rosemarie Day’s interview in MedPage Today on conservatives’ plan to replace the Affordable Care Act.
Industry consultant Rosemarie Day, founder and president of Day Health Strategies LLC, tells AIS Health that plans “have to continue to do their strategic planning and look at all of these various scenarios,” including outright ACA repeal, even if it’s unlikely, since, as she puts it, “it’s almost like the uncertainty of all of this has become the certainty.
Rosemarie Day, a healthcare consultant in Somerville, Massachusetts, said in an email that the president “certainly did not propose any large-scale reforms to the healthcare system during the speech, and he was short on specifics for most of it.”
Adding our voices to the national debate is an idea gaining momentum among HR leaders. Rosemarie Day, founder and CEO of Day Health Strategies, has a forthcoming book about engaging in politics to protect access to health care. In it, she presents a “continuum of involvement” that shows the various ways to get involved.
An increasing number of clinics are trying a collaborative care model, but reimbursement, structural and historical barriers remain an obstacle.
American women are increasingly deferring tests — and even treatments — for breast cancer because their health insurance plans have such high deductibles. Read more on what’s at stake from Rosemarie Day.
Those clashes create some of the biggest challenges to forming an ACO, but these tips can help organizations overcome them. Check out the article from Sarah Matousek in Accountable Care News.
Inspired by marches, movements (#MeToo, #TimesUp), and momentum (the unprecedented surge of females running for office), women are standing up for the issues that matter most to them. Let’s make sure that healthcare continues to be on that list.
As the Trump administration and some in Congress whittle away at the Affordable Care Act, blue states are filling in gaps in an attempt to bolster their markets. Others are picking up chainsaws. Read this piece with comments from Rosemarie Day.
Read an interview with Ross Weiler on how payers can succeed in Association Health Plan markets.
Launching an ACO is resource-intensive, and there is no guarantee of success. Payers and providers interested in pursuing ACO partnerships should consider the following strategies to help put them on the right track.
Iowa asked for federal permission to alter major provisions of the Affordable Care Act next year, a proposal that will be closely watched by officials in other states who hope to rewrite parts of the health law as Republican efforts to do so in Congress have stalled. Read the story with comments from Rosemarie Day.