Grateful: a message from CEO Rosemarie Day

As Thanksgiving approaches, I want to share my deep gratitude for the strength, resilience, and humanity that I’ve seen throughout this past year.  The Coronavirus pandemic challenged all of us in ways we never imagined. As we grew more isolated, we had to find ways to stay connected.  We also had to find ways to stay safe and keep our morale up.  We rose to the occasion. Rather than growing apart, many of us grew closer together.  But it didn’t happen automatically. I’m grateful for all of the people and generous actions (from the public and private sector) that kept us strong and bolstered our resilience:

  • First and foremost, I’m grateful for the scientists who worked tirelessly to develop the coronavirus vaccine in record time and the tremendous teams of people who came together to deliver it.  I’m also grateful for all of the health care workers who put themselves on the line every day to treat the sick and keep us safe.

  • I’m grateful for the CARES Act that provided funds to help so many businesses keep going.  We were one of them.  The Paycheck Protection Program allowed us to retain talented staff in 2020. It also allowed us to invest in our firm’s future.  Thanks to that support, we were able to be here when our clients needed us in 2020.  Moreover, we’ve had new clients seek us out in 2021.  We are stronger than ever.

  • I’m grateful for my team at Day Health Strategies.  We weathered a very tough year together as we juggled our family and professional responsibilities.  We have grown stronger as a result.

  • I’m grateful for the work we’ve done in 2021 with community health centers and safety net hospitals who are “meeting the moment” by responding to the pandemic and actively focusing on diversity, equity and inclusion. As a white CEO, I’ve thought long and hard about the health disparities that were laid bare during the pandemic. I’ve reflected on the fact that our firm has not done enough to eradicate them.  Yet.  We can and will do even better.  As we approach 2022, I’m rededicating myself and our firm to “making good change,” as John Lewis said.  I’m renewing our commitment to CARE (Creating Access and Realizing Equity)

In sum, I’m grateful for how our team, along with so many other individuals and organizations, have faced the challenges and grown during this past year.  I look forward to the coming year.

Thank you for being on this journey with us.  I wish you a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!


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