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Sarah Matousek, PhD, MPH joined Day Health Strategies (DHS) in late 2014, where she leads a team working on multiple healthcare transformation initiatives in multiple healthcare sectors. Sarah primarily contributes to strategic planning/implementation, population health and care management programming, change management, operations, and program development.

After spending eight years in academia researching Alzheimer’s disease in Rochester, NY and then at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Sarah studied health policy and management at the Boston University School of Public Health. While there, she collaborated with a team at Harvard Medical School to develop and implement a mobile phone solutions program for surgical patients in rural Haiti. She also bolstered her skills and knowledge in quantitative and qualitative research, operations, strategic management, data analytics, and human resources.

Sarah is particularly adept at designing, implementing, and evaluating models of care for Accountable Care Organizations or other groups working in the Value Based Care space. As such, she has redesigned multiple care management programs major provider networks and evaluated primary care/behavioral health integration efforts for health systems and State programs. Other client work often includes supporting strategic planning and change management during times of change.

Sarah has held adjunct and affiliate faculty positions at Boston University’s Metropolitan College and at Ariadne Labs. She also recently joined the Board of Directors at Care 2 Communities (C2C), an organization providing primary care services in partnership with the Ministry of Health in Haiti. She holds a PhD in Neurobiology & Anatomy from the University of Rochester and an MPH in Health Policy & Management from Boston University.

Sarah currently lives in Spokane, Washington. She loves to travel, bike, run, and hike.