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Ross Weiler, MBA, CHIE brings over 25 years of leadership experience in health care, public and private benefits, and insurance. He helps state governments, nonprofits, public and private health insurance marketplaces, health care providers, health plans, technology companies, employers and their strategic partners address critical strategic, business, policy, regulatory, compliance and sustainability challenges. He specializes in strategic, business and sustainability planning; product/program design, development, pricing, implementation, administration and service delivery; regulatory compliance; and reporting and analysis.

Ross has extensive experience developing and deploying solutions to address the impact of Health Care Reform on health insurance marketplaces, insurers, state government entities, healthcare providers, employers and consumers. He is the author of several nationally published articles on health reform, health care delivery transformation, insurance marketplaces and benefits technology.

Recent engagements include:
• developing strategic, business, sustainability, and organizational transformation and effectiveness plans for health care organizations, nonprofits, insurers and government agencies (including state-based marketplaces and Medicaid programs)
• advising state agencies and health care organizations on the development, implementation and long-term success of Medicaid ACO
• supporting the implementation of state-based marketplaces
• conducting product and technology assessments for health care and related organizations
• consulting with large employers on employee benefits opportunities and challenges
• developing and managing strategic relationships with national and regional consulting partners

Ross received his MBA from the Boston University School of Management, concentrating in Health Care Management and achieving Highest Honors, and a BFA from the Boston Conservatory of Music. He has been an active member of the New England Employee Benefits Council (NEEBC) Board of Directors for many years and served on its Executive Committee.

Ross and his family live in Sudbury, MA. He has long been active in the New England professional community. In his leisure time, when not enjoying time with his family, Ross can often be found in the mountains skiing (or teaching others to ski), on his road bike, or at Gillette Stadium cheering on the Patriots.