COVID-19 Vaccination Playbook: Best Practices for Community Health Centers

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 About the Playbook

In March of 2021, Day Health Strategies partnered with the Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers to create the COVID-19 Vaccination Playbook: Best Practices for Community Health Centers sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts. The Playbook was designed under the direction of the MassLeague’s Clinical Health Affairs Division with extensive input from community health centers across Massachusetts. Day Health and the MassLeague continue to update the Playbook with new best practices and emerging trends in COVID-19 vaccination. Since its creation, Day Health and the MassLeague have presented the Playbook nationally and worked with community health centers across Massachusetts to implement the Playbook.

Day Health Strategies can support other states interested in the Playbook by customizing its content to address state-specific regulations, resources, and other details.

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Welcome to the Playbook


© Copyright 2021 Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers

 How to Use the Playbook


What this is: A playbook of best practices for COVID-19 vaccination strategy for community health centers, developed based on research and interviews with several Community Health Centers/CHCs at various stages of their vaccine rollout.

How you can use it: The Playbook is designed to be a living document, with clickable tools and resources throughout. You may go through it like a book, or start with what is most important to you right now.

What's in the Playbook: Each section contains a high-level workflow, a checklist with three phases (Planning, Prepping, Performing), and a set of clickable tools & resources at the bottom.

Playbook 2.0: Over time, additional sections are being added to this Playbook to support CHCs through changing needs and strategy adjustments.

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The Seven-S Framework

1. Strategy

2. Start-Up Resources and Operations

3. Space

4. Staffing

5. Systems

6. Supply

7. Spreading the Word (Communications)

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Playbook Expansion

1. Pfizer

2. Point of Care

3. Partnerships

4. Education and Outreach


To learn more about the Playbook, contact us today.

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